Hershey's takes on Nutella with new chocolate spreads

Hershey's chocolate spread

It has a cookbook and a stable of weird fan fiction writers, but even the almighty Nutella has proven itself vulnerable. Hershey's just announced it's out for the Italian chocolatier's gooey blood by launching its own chocolate spreads, starting a war that's sure to stress out sugar junkies nationwide.

Hershey's spreads have been kicking around some markets since December, but this week marks the official national launch of the three new products. The line includes a standard chocolate spread, chocolate with hazelnut (shots fired!), and chocolate with almond (war declared!). Packed in 13oz tubs, these guys'll go for $3.79 a piece.

There's already a helpful list of foods to pair these spreads with on the Hershey's site -- including, for some reason, pickles -- plus some Instagram traction under #SpreadPossibilites. We haven't tested the stuff for ourselves yet -- stayed tuned for that! -- so we can't declare allegiances right now. But brace yourself: battles lines have been drawn, and Tumblr is about to get even stranger.

Kristin Hunt is a food/drink staff writer for Thrillist. Before that, she ran a massive Dunk-a-roo cartel out of her college dorm room until the game got too rough. Follow her at @kristin_hunt.