What happens when beef jerky and potato chips get it on

Someone better warn Sasquatch, because he’s about to be messed with: behold Cherkees, the world’s first beef jerky chips -- uh huh, beef jerky chips -- released by a longtime Florida jerky-ist who just gave you yet another reason to never eat Munchos. You probably want to know the deal on this stuff:

  • Boasting the texture of a standard potato chip, the idea was originally schemed up for those who were grossed out by the texture of regular jerky -- that means you, vegetarians! Seriously, you’re gonna love this stuff! Order now!!!!
  • The master creator keeps the finer details of his mating process under lock & key, but says that aside from "putting beef jerky and potatoes in a room with seductive music", it doesn't stray too far from combining seasoned shredded potatoes and ground beef, then dehydrating them by baking at low temperatures for an extended time after shaping them into chips, which will make their way directly to your Ponch.
  • Each bag's packing over a 1/4lb of Midwest-imported lean beef as well as a buttload of spuds from Idaho, even though it’s well known that you, in fact, are the one that is the ho.
  • Since they're not fried, these guys end up with about 1/3 less fat than potato chips and clock in at a delt-rippling 12 grams of protein per serving, while also providing 30% of your daily intake of vitamin C, far more palatable than that ginger chick who’ll make you do anything but Smile.

For now, you can hit the Cherkees website to grab Cracked Pepper and Hot Pepper chips, but in a few weeks dude'll also be dropping Teriyaki as well as Smokehouse -- also a place you could hang out for hours, and never get the munchies for Munchos.