The 12 Worst Couples You Meet on Vacation

Matt Meltzer/Thrillist
Matt Meltzer/Thrillist

There are horrible people everywhere when you travel. On the planeOn the beachIn restaurants. But what happens when those horrible people… GET TOGETHER???? They create an exponential monster of awful, of course, and make all of those same places -- the plane, the beach, the Eiffel Tower, wherever -- much, much worse.

But exactly which pairs of "soulmates" are the worst when you're on vacation? Here are the Top 12.


The please put your clothes back on couple

Just don’t think too hard about what they’re doing when they get back to the hotel.

The couple who won’t shut up about their kids

To the childless, talking excessively about your kids is only slightly more interesting than extended discussions about timeshares. Or your buddy's fantasy football draft. You’re wearing a “Brody’s Mom” T-shirt under that, aren’t you?

Fighting couple

The perpetually fighting couple

The three grand you guys dropped on this vacation would have been better spent on couples therapy. Or divorce lawyers. Please, just stop talking up.

The old guy and way-younger girl

The question isn’t if she’s with him for his money. The question is if he’s paid for just the weekend, or screwed his kids out of half a billion dollars.

Excessive PDA

The excessive PDA couple

As turned on as both of you are by dry humping at the buffet, there’s a line of people behind you who just want some Chicken Vinadaloo. So maybe you could save that for, oh, the hotel room you ALREADY HAVE.

The older couple looking for a threesome

It's an old dude hitting on an inappropriately-young girl, now with EXTRA creepy!

Artificial Couple

The completely artificial couple

There is not a single part of either of your bodies that is natural. You’re like the Diet Coke of people.

The professional food photographers

Your coworkers already hate you for posting a never-ending stream of vacation pics. And spending a full 10 minutes to go all Ansel Adams on your pork belly sliders just ensured you will be each other’s only friend when you get home.

Couple ignoring each other at dinner

The couple who ignore each other at dinner

If the goal of your vacation was to make single people feel better about their life choices, mission accomplished.

Or worse, the people-watching couple

You’ve run out of interesting things to say to each other, so now your only source of entertainment is sitting in the corner and talking sh*t about every person unfortunate enough to cross your field of vision. You know, there is this thing called Netflix. You’re at that point. Don’t be embarrassed.

Couples selfie stick

Couples’ selfie couple

You, sir, officially placed your balls squarely in your lady’s purse the minute you made one of these selfies your profile picture. And you lost them forever the minute you bought his-and-hers selfie sticks.

The couple who got a weekend pass from their kids

We get that the last time you were able to take a trip without a baby bag and diapers was when you were 28. But what you don’t get is that you’re not 28, and starting the night with tequila shots at 6pm isn’t leading to crazy tequila sex later. It’s leading to embarrassing fights in public and calling your 17 year-old at 3am.

The excessively matching couple

Bonus points if both your shirts read, “I’m with stupid.” Yes, yes you are.