Fresh Red

Combing the web for all the info you need to pick, locate, and get tickets for a show is only slightly less labor-intensive than forming your own band and playing a creepily absorbing gig in front of your bedroom mirror. For a one-stop resource, check out the brand new site FreshRed's a comprehensive music website that brings together listings, links, recommendations, email alerts, and more, saving you time you can now spend waiting to pay $20 for event parking so teenagers can have sex on your car. Listings are sortable by venue, act, date, event, or genre; for more guidance, browse the numerous expert recs, which link directly to relevant venue calendars and artist sites with audio clips (sparing you the shock of going to see a Nelson cover band only to be wedgie'd to the sing-songy tune of "Ha ha!") Each week, new additions go up on FR's newsletter; listings are also RSS/email-alert-able, meaning you'll get an automatic heads up to "Hide your grandmother, because Bad Company's back".The bonus: FreshRed's Google maps mashup, which geographically plots what's going on where, from My Morning Jacket at the Wiltern, to My Filthy Sweatshirt, playing in your very own bedroom.