Fat-Destroying Workouts You Can Knock Out in Less Than 20 Minutes


One of the biggest barriers to getting in shape is how much damn time it takes to do it. Fortunately, the advent of high-intensity interval training (aka HIIT) has made it clear that you don't have to live in the gym if you want to drop a few pounds -- in fact, studies show that if you want to torch more fat in less time, HIIT is the way to go.

The key to getting the most out of these workouts is to keep your effort and intensity high during the “on” rounds, and use your rest periods to fully recover, so you can bring your A game during the next “on” round.

Fat-burning workout #1: The Badass

This workout is challenging, but that's the point. You can do all the exercises without kettlebells, but use them if you're looking to add intensity. You’ll perform the exercises below in the designated order for 30-second intervals. Completion of all exercises is one full round. Repeat for a total of five rounds, or until you can't move.

High knees: Stand straight with the feet hip-width apart. Jump from one foot to the other at the same time lifting your knees as high as possible. When jumping, pump arms in a controlled motioned as if you were running in place.

Goblet squatPerform a deep squat while holding the kettlebell in front of and close to your chest. Feet should be slightly wider than normal so that at the bottom of the squat your elbows are inside your knees. 

Renegade rowsGet in high-plank position with each hand on top of a kettlebell. Do a full push-up, then while keeping your core engaged, pick up the right kettlebell, pulling your elbow straight up to bring the bell level with your right rib cage. Set the right kettlebell down and repeat with the left. That's one rep.

Plyo push-ups: From the floor, push upward hard enough to take your hands off the ground for a second. Ideally, you should be able to clap in the moment your upper body is airborne, but if you can't quite do it, just try to get some air between the floor and your hands. Land softly and immediately begin the next push-up.

  • High knees (30 seconds)
  • Goblet squats (30 seconds)
  • Renegade rows (30 seconds)
  • Plyometric push-ups (30 seconds)
  • Rest 60 seconds

Repeat for round two, starting with high knees.

Fat-burning workout #2: The Anytime, Anywhere

Can’t make it to the gym? Don’t have any exercise equipment? No problem!

Mountain climbers: Start in a high-plank position (just like the beginning position of a push-up), jump your right foot to the outside of your right hand. As you bring your right foot back, simultaneously jump your left foot to your left hand. Repeat.

High knees: Perform same as above.

Jump squats: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, transition into a regular squat, then jump up explosively. When landing, lower body back into the squat position to complete one rep.

Burpees: Plant your hands on floor, jump your feet back, and lower your chest all the way to the floor. Then jump up and clap your hands overhead. Repeat.

  • Mountain climbers (60 seconds)
  • High knees (60 seconds)
  • Rest 60 seconds
  • Jump squats (60 seconds)
  • Burpees (60 seconds)
  • Rest 60 seconds
  • Burpees (60 seconds)
  • Jump squats (60 seconds)
  • Rest 60 seconds
  • High knees (60 seconds)
  • Mountain climbers (60 seconds)
  • Rest 60 seconds
  • Mountain climbers (60 seconds)
  • High knees (60 seconds)

Fat-burning workout #3: The 200s

This workout is very simple, very straightforward, and all you need is a jump rope. I call it "The 200s," and to perform this workout you simply start jumping rope (as fast as you can) and in any style you’d like, counting each step until you complete 200 jump-rope reps. After you complete those 200 reps, rest for one minute, then go again. Repeat as many cycles of 200 reps as you can in 15 minutes.

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Dr. Phoenyx Austin, M.D. is a certified sports medicine specialist and the creator of women’s nutritional supplements for healthy hair and fit body. Find Dr. Phoenyx on her website and YouTube channel where she shares her passion for all things fitness, natural beauty, and awesomely healthy living!