The best worst movies you'll ever see

Life can leave you in possession of something so god-awful, you hope someone will just come along and steal it, like a heavily insured old banger, or a heavily indecisive election. For movies so gloriously bad the owners want you to steal them, watch iMovieTube.

Tube's the work of a Londoner who wanted to create a site devoted to free, legal, high quality movies -- only to learn that "free" and "legal" pretty much meant deliciously low quality flicks whose owners had let their copyrights expire like parents abandoning claw-handed mutant children in a Tube station. Amongst the classics:

Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter: "Legendary outlaw Jesse James, on the run from Marshal MacPhee, hides out in the castle of Baron Frankenstein's granddaughter Maria" -- where he hopefully also met her mother, or that title would just look ridiculous.

Laser Mission: Brandon Lee stars as a man actually named "Mercenary Gold", hired by the CIA to obtain "a recently stolen giant diamond" and "seize the laser expert Braun in Cuba", presumably to shave the world from destruction.

Monster From a Prehistoric Planet: "An earthquake opens up an underground cavern and a baby reptile is discovered inside. The natives warn the foreigners to leave the hatching alone, but they don't listen and take it back to a zoo in Japan." What gives, Japan? You don't see Fiji getting constantly leveled by prehistoric monsters.

Invasion of the Bee Girls: "In the small town of Peckham, California, many men die from excessive effort during sexual intercourse" -- inspiring insane jealousy amongst men who die fighting a giant lizard.

There are a smattering of good films, some classics with legitimately expired copyrights (the 50s thriller D.O.A.), some shorts (District 9 precursor Alive in Joburg), and some indies, like Sita Sings the Blues, which is now referred to as the yellow/blues coalition, thank you.