Land a date from LinkedIn

Because online daters are notorious for having more heavily doctored profiles than Hitchcock, (purely coincidence) is a trustworthy alternative leveraging LinkedIn info to vet lonely, lonely applicants, allowing you to see not only prospective dates' most professional-looking head shots, but also their number of professional connections, so no matter what you're guaranteed they'll have job experience.

After fetching selected deets (photo, industry, current position, education, connects...) based on your LinkedIn privacy settings, Hitch'll have you fill out fairly standard personality/lifestyle info, upload more pics, and even denote your net worth and vehicle make, though the dropdown options include "Prefer Not To Say", in case you're concerned a woman will only be attracted to all the money and cars you don't have.

Adding in another wrinkle, members are given a "bank" account to hold credits earned by actions like joining up, referring members, or, you know, buying them. Said credits are then spent when reaching out to prospective dates, from unlocking personal info, to sending a "smile", to shooting over a "pitch", as you're going to have to be able to pitch something (talents, tent...) no matter what kind of job you're looking for.