There's Now a 'Bad Lip Reading' of Fergie's Infamous National Anthem

Last month, the devilish minds at Bad Lip Reading did their send-up of the 2017-18 NBA season. It included a snippet of an infamous moment and fans of the series demanded an encore. "Had a lot of people asking for the full-length version of Fergie's song from the NBA video," the series wrote in a comment on YouTube. "So that now exists. Happy 4th of July, all you fellow-Americans."

The incident was Fergie's rendition of the national anthem at the 2018 NBA All-Star Game. As she sand, the song elicited stifled laughs from many of the players, as well as people in the audience like Jimmy Kimmel. It became one of the most talked-about aspects of the game.

Fergie later apologized for her rendition. "I've always been honored and proud to perform the national anthem and last night I wanted to try something special for the NBA," she told TMZ. "I'm a risk-taker artistically, but clearly this rendition didn't strike the intended tone."

Now, Bap Lip Reading has provided a full-length version of her national anthem in which she is mostly complaining about how nobody wants her bread. It's every bit as weird as you might hope.

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Dustin Nelson is a News Writer with Thrillist. He holds a Guinness World Record but has never met the fingernail lady. Follow him @dlukenelson.