‘The Customer Is Always Right’ Is Proven Dead Wrong By These Stories Shared on Twitter

There are few phrases that send shivers down the spine of anyone who has spent time in customer service like, "The customer is always right." It doesn't take an advanced degree to know this is full of more crap than a music festival campground...

customer is always right meme

There are few phrases that send shivers down the spine of anyone who has spent time in customer service like, "The customer is always right." It doesn't take an advanced degree to know this is full of more crap than a music festival campground on a Monday.

A user on Twitter has done everyone the favor of asking for examples of when the customer was unabashedly wrong. Of course, people have delivered excellent responses, most of which are hilarious because you never forget your favorite customers. 

The responses are all over the place. Many of them are surprising, while others fall into familiar categories like people who showed up for appointments on the wrong day or ordered ahead and went to the wrong location to pick up the order. Naturally, none of those customers could believe they had made a mistake. 

There are also plenty of people trying to outsmart staff by returning items to the wrong store. How could that ever go wrong!? (Though, attempting to return a used urn is taking that set-up to an entirely new level.)

Check out some of the best responses from the thread below. 

And, finally, one for the restaurant Ben Wyatt always wanted to open.

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Dustin Nelson is a Senior Writer on the news team at Thrillist. Follow him @dlukenelson.