HQ Trivia Is Finally Expanding Beyond the iPhone

HQ trivia android
HQ Trivia
HQ Trivia

After appearing from the ether like a mysterious wizard, HQ Trivia has been steadily growing into a phenomenon. The live trivia game that has to be played via app has seen upwards of 300,000 live players vying for real money every day of the week. The winning pots have been at a minimum of $1,000 and even reached as high as $8,500 over this past weekend. 

However, to this point, the fun of hearing host Scott Rogowsky pun his way through 12 rounds of trivia has been an iOS-exclusive. That's about to change. Prior to Tuesday's afternoon game, HQ cryptically announced it will soon be available to Android users.

The tweet didn't provide a date when users should expect to get in on the fun, but it sounds like it will be sometime in December based on the rollout being called a "stocking stuffer." 

While Android users are getting sweaty palms, current users are complaining about the lag some already experience even before an infusion of new users. Others in the comments have complained about splitting the pot with more users. Splitting the pot into smaller slice is just part of what's going to happen as the game continues to gain momentum. However, the lag is a real challenge the game is facing. HQ isn't hiding from the concerns, though. The company even addressed it in a recent tweet.

HQ should be ready for the influx because an expansion to Android will undoubtedly grow the population of HQtieville.

h/t Android Central

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Dustin Nelson is a News Writer with Thrillist. He holds a Guinness World Record but has never met the fingernail lady. Follow him @dlukenelson.