These Singing Syrup Bottles at IHOP Might Be Twitter's Greatest Achievement

Everyone loves a little karaoke. Even bottles of syrup can't resist the urge to belt out a song or two when the mood strikes. 

We know this because of a tweet from Jake Guthrie. With a little help from a friend, he made the syrup bottles at an IHOP in Morgantown, West Virginia perform a rendition of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" that would make Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar jealous.

The video from October 7 has been viewed more than 1.5 million times, in part, thanks to IHOP putting in a request for the bottles to perform "Pour Some Syrup on Me." (How has Def Leppard recorded a parody of its own song for an endorsement already?)

Of course, the tweet has inspired others to embrace the challenge of finding ideal songs for syrup karaoke. Blake Azevedo found a couple, and posted a video to Twitter that includes Blue Swede's "Hooked on a Feeling" and Sir Mix-a-Lot's "Baby Got Back."

It's the exact kind of nonsensical insanity people need to stay sane in the weeks ahead of the midterm elections. It's getting a lot of love on Twitter.

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Dustin Nelson is a News Writer with Thrillist. He holds a Guinness World Record but has never met the fingernail lady. Follow him @dlukenelson. dnelson at thrillist dot com