This Company Wants to Give You a Paid Day Off for Labor Day

labor day day off

Labor Day brings to mind that sweet, sweet three-day weekend, but it's a day to honor the advances of the American labor movement and workers. However, because of sales and free trips to the museum, lots of people wind up working on Labor Day. In fact, according to the AFL-CIO, one in four Americans will be working. 

Of all companies, Maxwell House is looking to do something about that situation. The company is offering anyone working on Labor Day the chance to earn a paid day off.

If you're working on Labor Day, take a photo of yourself working and tweet or tag the coffee company on Instagram (@Maxwell_House on Twitter and @OfficialMaxwellHouse on Instagram) and use the hashtags #LaborOnLaborDay and #contest. Now, you're entered.

Or, if you're appreciating the hard work of a loved one, you can take a photo of them working on Labor Day and enter them to win the paid day off.

The contest was inspired by semi-truck driver Ron Kline, who hasn't taken a day off work in 53 years. The company gifted him and his very large family a Labor Day vacation in honor of the holiday. 

If you win, Maxwell House will pass along $150 for your paid day off. Actually arranging the day off is on you, though.

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Dustin Nelson is a News Writer with Thrillist. He holds a Guinness World Record but has never met the fingernail lady. Follow him @dlukenelson. dnelson at thrillist dot com