White Claw Is Releasing 3 New Flavors in 2020

Courtesy of White Claw
Courtesy of White Claw

We all know there's a hierarchy in the world of White Claw -- with Black Cherry, Raspberry, and Ruby Grapefruit topping the list. Tell me I'm wrong. But now, in a move that just might make up for the whole shortage debacle, the purveyor of hard seltzer is releasing three new flavors next year. 

Earlier this week, while speaking at CNN Business panel "The Table," Senior Vice President of Marketing Sanjiv Gajiwala dropped big news: watermelon, lemon, and tangerine White Claws are hitting stores in 2020. This may seem like a surprising step, considering the company's previous hesitation in expanding beyond its core six flavors. 

"I think one of the things that's drawn people to White Claw is the simplicity," Gajiwala said. "A lot of the other seltzer brands have 12, 13, 14 flavors. We have six. It makes it a lot easier to choose.”  

As a result, the brand will reportedly offer a smaller variety of flavors in its continued effort to "[ease] the purchase experience." But however White Claw proceeds in the New Year, it'll be with a fat bank account. The company will have raked in an estimated $1.5 billion by the end of 2019, which subsequently makes up 60% of the entire industry profits. Hard seltzer as a whole will have banked between $2 billion and $2.5 billion. 

"I think there are core trends that consumers are engaging in, which are about mindfulness or understanding what they're putting in their body. They want convenience, they want premium and they want flavor and variety," Gajiwala continued. "White Claw does all of those things."

You may have pledged your loyalty to Black Cherry long ago, but may I say, your flavor rotation is about to change for the better.

h/t The Takeout

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 Megan Schaltegger is a staff writer at Thrillist. Follow her @MegSchaltegger.