In Funny Rant, Adam Rippon Says He's 'Disappointed' With Olympics' 'Generic' Condoms

With 110,000 condoms delivered to the Olympic Village in PyeongChang, South Korea, the 2018 Winter Olympics will have more condoms available to athletes than any previous Winter Olympics. (Rio set a Summer Olympics record with 450,000 total condoms.)

A rolled up condom obviously looks like a ring of the Olympic logo, so it seems painfully obvious the condoms would be colored like the Olympic rings. That's an opportunity you can't pass up. Right?


US figure skater Adam Rippon was under the same impression, and he's pretty disappointed about the situation. In an Instagram story posted Saturday, Rippon talked about the "condom drama."

"I'm not entirely sure what I was expecting," he said. "I thought maybe they'd have like Olympic rings on them or they'd be all different colors, but no. It's all a myth." He deserves credit for not cracking a smile throughout his deadpan rant. "I'm not, like, upset," he said channeling a chiding TV parent. "I'm disappointed."

Rippon, who had a noteworthy performance in team figure skating Sunday, ends his spiel with sage advice. "Life isn't always what it seems and sometimes the condoms are just generic," he says. That belongs on a motivational poster.

h/t Out

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Dustin Nelson is a News Writer with Thrillist. He holds a Guinness World Record but has never met the fingernail lady. Follow him @dlukenelson.