Pornhub's Traffic Dropped 10% Because of a Video Game


Guys love their porn, but apparently they love their video games a little bit more.

According to a recent blog post by the porn giants, traffic received a pretty decent hit from the release "Fallout 4": "Starting at 5am traffic began to drop, down as much as 10% from 7am till noon. In the afternoon traffic returned to normal, but after 6pm it dropped again when we assume that 9-5 workers arrived home and fired up their games."


According to Pornhub's blog, Google Analytics shows that the 10% decrease in traffic is made up of primarily sports games and "action gamers." You know, people who are into fictional sports as opposed to fictional sex.

With 12 million copies of the game shipped in one day alone, it's not a stretch of the imagination to think that people would rather hang out in a post-apocalyptic wasteland than the casting couch.

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Jeremy Glass is a writer for Thrillist and doesn't have time for video games, because he's too busy watching porn.